This waste, if it derives from a chrome tanning, usually ends up in incinerators or in landfills and that is why with our commitment in the selection and separation of these pieces we set the goal to minimize this residue while offering quality products. The first is that using leather for your craft projects is often the ideal solution but the cost of such a material is not always affordable for everyone, the second is that using leather scraps allows you to help the environment by lowering the impact on it thanks to the reduction of industrial waste. There are several reasons to choose these leather pieces for craft as a starting material for your creations, but we can list two main ones. Unleash your imagination by using leather pieces and scraps for many craft projects! Why is it important to use leather remnants? Even the bags or wallets can be made with our leather pieces by choosing those that in the technical data sheet or in the description that report larger dimensions. Often you do not need to buy an entire skin, sometimes it takes very little to make creative and useful objects: take for example earrings, a key ring, a bracelet, a necklace or watch straps. What can be done with the leather remnants, pieces and scraps? Virtually everything. Our company works in collaboration with the biggest names and fashion brands to recover, select and give new life to what are scraps and scraps of leather in a circular economy perspective. In fact, it may happen that a company producing leather goods does not need all the material it had budgeted for or that during the cutting phase it is unable to exploit all the useful parts of the leather hide. Just as the laws of thermodynamics teach us that efficiency is always less than or equal to one, we can deduce that even in the majority of production processes, such as those involving the use of leather, there are always waste or residues: the scraps you will find in this category are born from this concept.

The remnants, scraps or pieces of leather, with whatever name they are called, are mainly leftovers of leather coming from leather goods factories or tanneries, in the most varied shapes, types and sizes.

What are the Leather Scraps and Remnants of Leather?